Black Flag antoi kenkää vokalistille
Greg Ginnin luotsaama versio legendaarisesta hardcore -yhtye Black Flagistä on antanut kenkää vokalisti Ron Reyesille. Reyes erotettiin bändin kiertueella Australiassa ja hänen tilalleen astui ammattiskeittaaja Mike Vallely. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Reyesin mietteet aiheesta. Bändin uusi albumi ”What The…” julkaistiin marraskuun 5. päivä ja on ensimmäinen sitten vuonna 1985 julkaistun ”In My Head” levyn jälkeen.
The writing was on the wall since before we played our first show. So many things went wrong from the start. I was into things like having a good drummer, rehearsing and spending time on things like beginnings and endings of songs, being a little less distracted with tour life and a little more on the ball. You know things that would make our efforts worthy of the name Black Flag… Yes it is my opinion that we fell very short indeed and the deminihing ticket sales and crowds are a testament to that. However It was made clear to me that raising these issues was tantamount to a blasphemous stab in the back to Greg. How could I question him, his efforts and hard work? How could I dare be a fan of OFF! And or be friends and a fan of Flag? I was told that I had to chose sides. But I refuse to treat someone like an infalable Pope figure. No guitarist deserves such unquestioning blind devotion. And so I have been excommunicated in a very strange fashion.
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