Black metal -osaamista Espanjasta: Murmur julkaisi videon ”Sol Invictus” -kappaleesta
Espanjalainen black metal -yhtye Murmur on julkaissut musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Sol Invictus”. Kyseessä on ensimmäinen maistiainen bändin tulevalta ”Pvtrefactio”-debyyttialbumilta, joka julkaistaan 31. lokakuuta.
Bändi kertoo hakeneensa videoon inspiraatiota muun muassa Behemothin ja Rotting Christin tuotannosta.
”We really like the narrative and aesthetic videos of Behemoth or Rotting Christ, but we understood that we didn’t have the economic capacity to do what they did. So, our first idea was to start looking for something hybrid, exploring many corners of Madrid with symbolism that could represent the ideas of our song; but we would also appear performing the song with some clothes that matched the theme of the album. The truth is that this location scouting process was a great experience for us, because we practically rediscovered Madrid: balconies, facades, alleys… everything is full of incredible symbolism.”
”Sol Invictus” on katsottavissa YouTubesta.