Black metalin ystävien kuuden vuoden odotus ohi: Dark Funeral julkaisee uuden albuminsa kesäkuussa
Ruotsalainen black metalin veteraani Dark Funeral on julkaissut oman Facebook -sivunsa kautta viestin, jonka mukaan yhtye on asettanut tulevan albuminsa nimeksi ”Where Shadows Forever Reign”. Yhtyeen tuleva albumi tullaan julkaisemaan kesäkuun 3. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen kitaristi Lord Ahriman on kommentoinut tulevaa albumia seuraavasti:
“Wow, did 6 years pass already? Time surely flies fast! But you know what, we’re back! DARK FUNERAL is back! And in true DARK FUNERAL spirit, like so many times in the past, we continue to push all boundaries musically & bring Black Metal into a new, fresh & dark dimension. This is by far our most professional, technical, dynamic & epic album thus far. And compared to previous albums, each new song offers a unique spirit & identity that is more profound than ever. And whether you like extreme Black Metal or not, I’m sure every fan of Metal will find songs on this album that they can enjoy to its fullest!
Every piece of the new album is combined into total perfection. The music, lyrics, musicianship, artwork & production. The artwork was made by Necrolord and the album was recorded at Dugout Studios with producer Daniel Bergstrand and studio engineer George Nerantzis. And I couldn’t be more satisfied with each and everyones contribution.Anyway, it feels absolutely fantastic to be back with new music. And I can’t wait to let you all enjoy our latest Satanic Symphony ’Where Shadows Forever Reign’. See you all soon somewhere on the road!”
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