Black Sabbathin alkuperäisrumpali avasi jälleen sanaisen arkkunsa
Black Sabbathin alkuperäinen rumpali Bill Ward ja laulaja Ozzy Osbourne ovat viimeaikoina olleet sanasodassa keskenään. Black Sabbathin alkuperäiskokoonpanon oli tarkoitus palata yhteen vuonna 2011, mutta Ward jättäytyi sittemmin pois. Osbournen mielestä Ward ei ole kykeneväinen soittamaan rumpuja, kun taas Ward sanoo sopimuksen olleen epäreilu ja allekirjoittamiskelvoton. Myöhemmin Ward on vaatinut Osbournelta julkista anteeksipyyntöä ja sanojensa oikaisua. Ward on jälleen kommentoinut tilannetta Classic Rock Revisitedin haastattelussa. Hän vakuuttaa edelleen olevansa täysin soittokykyinen. Ward olisi halukas palaamaan Black Sabbathin rumpaliksi, jos saisi julkisen anteeksipyynnön ja allekirjoittamiskelpoisen sopimuksen. Häntä harmittaa, että hänen ja Osbournen sukset menivät ristiin, eikä hän ole kostonhaluinen tai yritä todistaa olevansa parempi. Bill Ward julkaisi ”Accountable Beasts” -sooloalbuminsa hiljattain.
”That’s their fear that has nothing to do with me. That is somebody else’s fear. That is simply fear, and that’s all that is. It is not the truth and it has nothing to do with the truth. The only thing that happened to me that is the truth is that I actually got sick on October 18, 2013. Up until that point, I was fully capable of playing drums and I could have played multiple world tours, et cetera, et cetera. I just had not signed a contract. Had I signed a contract, then I wouldn’t have been sick, according to them.
I hate what’s going on, it is terrible. It is a good question: Had I signed the contract that was offered to me, which I wouldn’t have done, but had I signed it, I probably would have been exonerated from health problems. That is crazy. Once you sign, you just don’t have health problems.
I would never, ever, ever commit to taking on any type of live commitment, or studio commitment, if I knew there was something going on inside of me which could stop me from doing it. There wasn’t a fucking thing going on inside of me that would stop me from playing in the studio or in a live band rehearsal. It absolutely didn’t exist.”
The sickness agenda started after I wouldn’t sign the contract. You know all the problems of what I was like in 2011; it all started to happen after the event. In 2011, nobody said anything to me about that, as they all seemed to be quite happy that I was there. I am getting better with it now, but I was infuriated when I first heard of that as my health was really good. I was playing drums every day and practicing 130 beats per minute for a half an hour on the bass drum. I wasn’t walking ten miles. I usually walk ten miles a day, but I was walking six to eight miles a day. It is what I would be doing anyway. It is what I am doing now. I am walking on treadmills. I had to rebuild my core after the operation I had.”
”That statement that I made was actually an olive branch. It was a real olive branch, not a pie-in-the-sky olive branch. I gave exact specifications of what would put me back in the band. I don’t fuck around, you know. You want me back I the band? Then make a public apology about the things that you said about me that weren’t true. That’s the first thing. The next thing is give me a signable fucking contract.”
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”I love him and I miss him. I grieved his loss in 2012. I went through absolute murder, emotionally, with him saying the things he was saying. I was absolutely gobsmacked. I couldn’t believe it was somebody that I had known for so many years. It was really horrible going through that.”
”I don’t dislike Ozz. I don’t have any animosity, or any revenge, and I am not seeking to be better than him, or anything like that. I am not trying to be right in these things in terms of, ’You are wrong and I am right.’ I am simply stating the facts and asking for an amendment of the facts, as they stand. It is very matter of fact with me. It is actually quite simple.”
”I don’t expect everyone to understand, because they didn’t walk the walk with me. I walked the walk through this and some of my family members did as well. It felt very sinister and not very nice at all. I had to rebuke that. I had to say, ’That wasn’t really nice. Before we move forward and before we are all happy families, let’s get some things straightened out.’ It is what any family would do. When somebody comes in and fucking shits all over the place, you go, ’Hey, clean that shit up and then maybe we can talk.'”