Black Sabbathin Iommi ei tule koskaan pääsemään eroon syöpähoidoistaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.5.2013

Black SabbathEnglantilaisen rockin legendan Black Sabbathin kitaristi Tony Iommi on paljastanut hiljattain Guitarworldille antamassaan haastattelussa, että hän ei tule koskaan pääsemään eroon syöpään liittyvistä hoidoistaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Iommin viesti häneltä syövästä kysyttäessä.

”When I’d finished the chemo and the radiotherapy, I went to see the doctor again for my regular blood tests. I said, ’So it’s gone now?’ And he said, ’No, it’s not going to go. You’re not going to get rid of it. But we can treat it and work with it.’ I got all dismal, because I thought it was gone. He said there was a 30 percent chance of it going away, but I was probably going to have this for life. Now I get treatments to keep it from spreading. So every six weeks I go in for an infusion of Rituximab, which is one of the four ingredients when they give you the chemo. It takes a few hours, and it makes you feel a bit crap inside and a bit sick. But a couple weeks after, I start perking up again. So that’s how we are working it with the shows. I go out, then come back and go into the hospital for more treatment, more blood tests and all the rest of the rubbish. And then we do it all over again.”

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