Black Sabbathin Tony Iommi sooloalbumin kimpussa: ”Minulla on paljon musiikkia valmiina albumia varten”
Englantilaisesta rockin legendasta Black Sabbathista tunnettu kitaristi Tony Iommi on paljastanut tuoreessa Full Metal Jackien haastattelussa työstävänsä valmiiksi seuraavaa sooloalbumiaan. Iommin mukaan hänellä on jo paljon musiikkia valmiina albumia varten ja hän parhaillaan parsii albumia kasaan yhdessä tuottajansa kanssa. Iommi kertoi tulevasta sooloalbumistaan seuraavaa:
”I am writing stuff now for my own, for an album. So that’s exciting too. And there’s no pressure. I just do stuff when I feel like it, because, obviously, I’ve got a life to live and I like to do all the different stuff. But I’ve really enjoyed doing this stuff, as I did with Ozz [BLACK SABBATH singer Ozzy Osbourne] when I’d done a couple of tracks for his last [solo] album [’Patient Number 9’], which was good, to work with Ozz again. And I’m quite open for all that now. Whatever comes, and I like it, I do it.”
”I’m gonna do a record. And I’ve got a lot of stuff. But now we’re actually getting around to sort of putting it together, myself and the engineer. So it’s been good fun, really. And as I say, there’s no pressure. I can just do it — I don’t have to do it by next week. And because of everything else [that has] been lurking around, I have to take my time in doing things. But it’s been fun. And that’s what it’s all about, really. And I’m looking forward to actually doing it and an album coming out.”
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