Black Stone Cherrylta uusi lyriikkavideo

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.3.2016

Black Stone Cherry 2016Kentuckysta tuleva rockyhtye Black Stone Cherry on julkaissut Youtuben kautta lyriikkavideon kappaleeseen nimeltä ”Soul Machine” liittyen. Biisi on peräisin bändin tulevalta ”Kentucky” -nimiseltä albumilta, joka ilmestyy huhtikuun 1. päivä Mascot Label Groupin kautta. Lyriikkavideon voit tsekata tästä:

Yhtyeen kitaristi Ben Wells on kommentoinut yhtyeen tulevaa albumia seuraavasti:

”This is the first time we get to self-produce. And most of the songs, with the exception of maybe two or three out of fifteen, are all written by us, the four of us. Which all of our songs always are — we might co-write with somebody — but this time, the majority of the songs are all written by us. So it feels really good to kind of have that creative freedom. Even though we’re still learning things as we get along, we’ve kind of picked up over the years touring internationally what our fans have come to expect and what we expect from ourselves and what we know people are gonna enjoy from us. So it’s definitely… it’s raw, it’s heavy. We’re going back to our hometown to record it, where we did our debut album. So we’re kind of revisiting some of that old mojo that we had, and I think our fans have been wanting that from us for a long time now. So we want, and I know they want it, and we’re just excited about it. I mean, the songs… These are probably some of the coolest songs we’ve written as far as the music and the melodies.”

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