Black Veil Bridesin leirissä kuohuu – yhtyeen jatkosta erilaisia kommentteja

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 22.6.2018

Vuonna 2006 perustetun Yhdysvaltaisen rock-yhtye Black Veil Bridesin miehistössä on tällä hetkellä erimielisyyksiä siitä, jatkaako bändi alla olevan ”Warped”-kiertueensa jälkeen. Keskiviikkona yhtyeen basisti Ashley Purdy totesi vahvasti Another FN Podcastin haastattelussa, että yhtye olisi hajoamassa kiertueen jälkeen:

“We start Thursday at Warped Tour in Pomona, (California) and we are going to do eight dates through the southern California area. And that is where you are going to see Black Veil Brides for the last time ever in your entire lives. So, you better fucking go, because that’s gonna be it. You better see us before you don’t see us.”

Näyttäisi siltä, että Black Veil Bridesin yhtyeen jäsenillä olisi jonkinlaisia erimielisyyksiä nokkamies Andy Blackin (Biersack) kanssa, Ashley Purdyn kertoessa seuraavaa:

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”To be honest you guys already know that Andy Black is doing his fucking next thing so the rest of us are going to do something separate and easy. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Yhtyeen laulaja Andy Black antoi virallisen päivityksensä AltPress.comille  yhtyeen lopetus-uutiseen liittyen:

“This is the first I’ve heard of any ‘break up.’ As far as I know, there are no plans to end the band after Warped. Or, at least if there were, I was not made aware of them.We are in the early stages of work on a big 10 year retrospective release. And my personal focus as it relates to BVB are on that and these upcoming Warped Tour shows.”

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Loudwiren haastattelussa Black kommentoi lisää bändin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista, johon kuuluu vuonna 2010 ilmestyneen debyyttialbumin juhlajulkaisu:

But we just recently signed a deal for a really exciting 10-year anniversary package that we’re doing for our first record. And we have shows planned. Hell, even after these Warped Tour shows, we have Aftershock planned for the fall, and there’s also been discussion about some other shows that we were going to try to do in the fall.”

Erohuhua laulaja kommentoi:

If someone comes to me and says, ‘We’re unhappy, we don’t want to be in the band anymore,’ then it has to be treated seriously. But until that happens, I just have to assume [Purdy’s interview] was something that was floated out there in an open forum discussion that he was having, or just something that was said in passing and wasn’t meant to be serious. So I don’t know the full thought process behind it, but I’ve known him, and I’ve known all the members of the band my entire adult life, and I can trust them when they say to me that this is not the intention of the band.”

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Torstaina basisti Ashley Purdy otti sanansa takaisin ja twiittasi, että haastattelun kommentti oli irrotettu asianyhteydestä. Radiohaastattelun kaverillinen luonne sai heidät vitsailemaan.

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