Blaze Bayley kuudelle Suomen-keikalle toukokuussa: uusi albumi luvassa maaliskuussa
Englantilaisen heavy metalin legendan Iron Maidenin entisenä laulajana tunnettu Blaze Bayley on asettanut seuraavan studioalbuminsa nimeksi ”Endure And Survive”. Albumi julkaistaan 3. maaliskuuta vasta vuosi edellisen ”Infinite Entanglement” levyn jälkeen. Tuleva levy jatkaa kyseisen albumin aloittamaa sci-fi-tarinaa, ja onkin trilogian toinen osa. Voit katsoa levyn tiedot tästä:
1. Endure and Survive
2. Escape Velocity
3. Blood
4. Eating Lies
5. Destroyer
6. Dawn of the Dead Son
7. Remember
8. Fight Back
9. The World Is Turning the Wrong Way
10. Together We Can Move the Sun
Bayley lähtee uuden albuminsa tiimoilta mittavalle Euroopan kiertueelle helmikuussa, ja saapuu kiertueellaan myös Suomeen peräti kuudelle keikalle toukokuun aikana. Mies esiintyy peräkkäisinä päivinä yhtyeensä kanssa kuun 12. päivä alkaen Helsingin On The Rocksissa, Mikkelin Kulttuuritalo Tempossa sekä 14. päivä Tampereen Jack The Rosterissa. Kiertue jatkuu 19. ja 20.5. Lappeenrannan Mobarissa sekä Mäntyharjun Bar Krouvissa, ja huipentuu vielä 21. päivä näistä jälkimmäisessä soitettavaan akustiseen keikkaan. Konserttien tarkemmat tiedot julkaistaan myöhemmin.
Bayley kertoo Facebookissa:
FOR ALL BLAZE BAYLEY FANS : copy of press release issued today – 4th January 2017
Blaze Bayley Announces Brand New Album and World Tour
Blaze Bayley, singer with Iron Maiden 1994-1999, announces his World Tour schedule to promote a brand new album, the 9th studio record of his solo career.
In home-city Birmingham, England, often celebrated as the birthplace of metal, Blaze Bayley has completed the recording of his ninth studio album, aptly titled ‘Endure and Survive’. The record is an exciting and enthralling sequel to his 2016 release ‘Infinite Entanglement’ which was the first of a trilogy of releases following a sci-fi concept and storyline.
‘Endure and Survive’ is set for release on 3rd March 2017 via Blaze Bayley Recording and will be accompanied by a world tour totalling some 120 shows. The European leg of the tour takes place principally between February and June 2017. After a small number of summer shows, Blaze will then go to the United States and Canada during August-September. It’s also planned to take the tour to Latin America in 2018.
Pre-orders for the new album are available now at
Throughout this world tour, Blaze will be backed by his main recording and touring musicians, picked from British metal band Absolva and including Chris Appleton (guitar, backing vocals), Martin McNee (drums), Karl Schramm (bass, backing vocals).
In addition to the established band members as above from Absolva, ‘Endure and Survive’ also contains a talented array of collaborators; Luke Appleton (Iced Earth / Absolva) – backing vocals, Michelle Sciarrotta – nylon acoustic, backing vocals, voice actor, Jo Robinson – backing vocals, Mel Adams – backing vocals, Liz Owen – backing vocals, Thomas Zwijsen – nylon acoustic, Anne Bakker – violin, backing vocals, Corvin Bahn (Uli Jon Roth) – accordion, Aine Brewer – voice actor, Rob Toogood – voice actor, backing vocals.
The spectacular album artwork has been completed by Andreas Sandberg, with additional images from Christopher Steenstrup who is also working on a Blaze Bayley video game.
The album was recorded between October and December 2016 at Robannas Studios, Birmingham, produced by Blaze Bayley and Chris Appleton, mixed and engineered by Miguel Seco, mastered by Ade Emsley (Iron Maiden, Tank, Phil Campbell).
As with the previous record the song-writing has been a collaboration between Blaze, Chris Appleton and Michelle Sciarrotta.
The first single from the new album will be available early in February, together with a music video.
2014-2015 was a period of building momentum for Blaze, partly created by the highly popular release of the 15th anniversary edition of his debut solo record ‘Silicon Messiah’ as well as his ‘Soundtracks of My Life’ 30 year compilation celebrating his career since he began singing with his first band Wolfsbane, before catapulting to worldwide fame with Iron Maiden.
2016 saw a significant renaissance with the remarkable plaudits given to the ‘Infinite Entanglement’ album from fans and critics alike. The year was also notable for Blaze’s special guest performance with Disturbed at the UK’s premier festival Download when the warmth and recognition from the crowd was as crystal clear as it was predictable given Blaze’s reputation for connecting with audiences.
The European leg of the ‘Endure and Survive’ tour is listed below. Additional European shows are still to be announced, whilst the detailed schedule for the US and Canada, plus Latin America in 2018 is awaited.
11TH MT, Gzira, The Orpheum
18TH UK, Ballymena, Diamond Rock
1st UK, Glasgow, Ivory Blacks
2nd UK, Newcastle, Trillians
3rd UK, Grimsby, Yardbirds Rock Club
4th UK, Manchester, Sound Control
5th UK, Birmingham, Roadhouse
9th UK, Cardiff, Fuel
10th BE, Verviers, Spirit of 66
11th FR, Paris, Le Petit Bain
12th BE, Deinze, Café Elpee
18th FR, Luynes, Le Korigan
19th ES, Barcelona, Salamandra 2
21st ES, Oviedo, Franelrock
22nd ES, Madrid, Club Moby Dick
23rd ES, Lleida, Café Del Teatre
24th ES, Valencia, Sala Fussion
25th ES, Irun, Tunk
26th ES, Zaragoza, King Kong
30th IT, Vercelli, Officine Sonore
31st CH, Saint-Maurice, Manoir Pub
1st FR, Nancy (Pagney D-B), Chez Paulette
2nd UK, Edinburgh, Corn Exchange, Heavy Scotland festival
7th FR, Grenoble, L’Amperage
8th FR, Clermont-Ferrand (Mozac), Salle De L’Arlequin
9th DE, Renchen, Come Inn
13th DE, Krefeld, Kulturampe
14th NL, Leiden, Gebr De Nobel
15th DE, Grossefehn, Schlappohr Rockkneipe
16th NL, Helmond, Muziekcafe
20th DE, Hamburg, Bambi Galore
21st DE, Siegen, Vortex
22nd DE, Balingen, Sonnenkeller
23rd DE, Konstanz Rockbar
26th SI, Ljublijana, Orto Bar
27th AT, Vienna, Viper Room
28th SK, Bratislava, Rock Café
29th CZ, Brno, Melodka
30th Czech, Pilsen, Serikovka
4th PL, Wroclaw, Liverpool Klub
5th PL, Tychy, Underground
6th PL, Stalowa Wola, Labirynt Club
7th PL, Olsztyn, Nowy Andergrant
9th LT, Kaunas, Klubas Lemmy
10th LV, Riga, Nabaklab
11th EE, Tallinn, The Tapper
12th FI, Helsinki, On The Rocks
13th FI, Mikkeli, Kulttuuritalo Tempo
14th FI, Tampere, Jack The Rooster
19th FI, Lappeenranta, Mobar
20th FI, Mantyharju, Bar Krouvi
21st FI, Mantyharju, Bar Krouvi (acoustic)
24th SE, Strangnas, Garage
26th NO, Fosser, Oak Metal Club
27th SE, Falkenberg, Downtown
28th RS, Belgrade, Club Fest
29th BA, Sarajevo, Cinemas Sloga
30th BA, Mostar, OKC Abrasevic
5th UK, Oxford, Oxrox AliveFor further information visit these sites