Blind Guardian

Blind Guardian julkaisee heinäkuussa uuden livealbumin

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 8.5.2017
Blind Guardian

Saksalainen pitkän linjan power metal -yhtye Blind Guardian aikoo julkaista heinäkuun 7. päivä uuden livealbumin nimeltä ”Live Beyond The Spheres” Nuclear Blastin toimesta. Kolmesta CD:stä ja neljästä LP-levystä koostuva paketti nauhoitettiin yhtyeen 2015 soittamalla Euroopan kiertueella ja se pitää sisällään niin uutta vanhaakin materiaalia klassikoista harvinaisuuksiin.

Vokalisti Hansi Kürsch on kertonut kunnianhimoisen albumin tekemiseen liittyvistä haasteista:

”In general, I would say that we’ve had a really good run on this tour and that nearly every show was perfect. But at the end of the day, after every bandmember has checked each and every song and concert of those 30 shows again and again. There were only like two or three versions of each song being suitable to be used for an album. We then had to decide between those last remaining versions, which would have been the most impressive one. This was a nearly endless task!”

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”The songs finally chosen reveal such an energy that poissible smaller mistakes appeared to be totally unimportant for the evaluation. As soon as you have listened to the songs, you will know what I mean. They feel alive.”

”There is always something happening at each show, let’s call it ’magic,’ that is giving us all creeps. We are really satisfied when the people sing with us, have a good time and go back home happy.”

Levyn biisilistaan ja kansikuvaan voit tutustua tästä:

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01. The Ninth Wave
02. Banish From Sanctuary
03. Nightfall
04. Prophecies
05. Tanelorn
06. The Last Candle
07. And Then There Was Silence


01. The Lord Of The Rings
02. Fly
03. Bright Eyes
04. Lost In The Twilight Hall
05. Imaginations From The Other Side
06. Into The Storm
07. Twilight Of The Gods
08. A Past And Future Secret
09. And The Story Ends

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01. Sacred Worlds
02. The Bard’s Song (In The Forest)
03. Valhalla
04. Wheel Of Time
05. Majesty
06. Mirror Mirror

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