Blink-182 haistattaa pitkät koronavirukselle: bändin uusi kappale ”Quarantine” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen pop punk -yhtye Blink-182 on julkaissut YouTubessa uuden erittäin ajankohtaisen ”Quarantine” -nimiseen kappaleen. Monien meidän mielipiteen koronaviruksesta jakavan kappaleen pääset kuuntelemaan tästä:

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Voit lukea kappaleen lyriikat tästä:

I guess I’m blessed to be so fucking bored
and hiding from this phantom antigen
that wants to send us to the morgue

Quarantine, fuck this disease
I’d rather be on Star Tours or stuck at the DMV
Quarantine, no not for me
I thought that things were fucked up in 2019
Fuck quarantine

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Some people hit the bottle, some people hit the books
Some people storm the capitol, some second guess parenthood

It’ll disappear in April, just like a miracle
We don’t need social distance, we don’t need old people
So throw the shop doors open
Save our economy
We don’t need ICU beds or PPE

Quarantine, fuck this disease
I’d rather watch some magic or do press in Germany
Quarantine, no not for me
I thought that things were fucked up in 2019
Fuck quarantine

It’ll disappear in April, just like a miracle
We don’t need social distance, we don’t need old people
So throw the shop doors open
Save our economy
We don’t need ICU beds, we don’t need PPE

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