Bloodywoodilta uutta musiikkia ”New Delhi” -kappaleen muodossa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.10.2024

Intialainen metalliyhtye Bloodywood on julkaissut uutta musiikkia ”New Delhi” -nimisen kappaleen muodossa. Yhtye kertoo kappaleestaan seuraavaa:

“New Delhi, known as the melting pot of India, is arguably one of the most diverse cities on the planet. With a history of that has seen as much bloodshed as it has peace and celebration, it made for the perfect womb to birth this band. The contrasting visuals, cultures, and backgrounds thriving within the city is accurately reflected in our music — where genres that cannot work together on paper…somehow do. With this song, we wanted to talk about the deadly, yet nurturing nature of the city and how it can give you a life beyond your wildest dreams if you play your cards right, or end it if you try to outsmart it.”

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