Blue Öyster Cult on aikeissa julkaista uutta musiikkia uuden albumin muodossa

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 8.4.2019

Vuonna 1967 perustetun ikonisen Blue Öyster Cult-yhtyeen perustajajäsen Eric Bloom on vahvistanut MassLive.comille antamassaan haastattelussa, että on vielä aikeissa julkaista uutta materiaalia yhtyeensä kanssa:


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”We’re not exactly working on it yet, but the ink is going on the contract soon. We’ve all been working on songs over the years, but there’s a lot of negotiation, because it’s not just about the new product but also about the back catalog.”


Bloom kertoi aiemmin OC Weeklylle edellisen ”Curse Of The Hidden Mirror”-studioalbumin ilmestyttyä vuonna 2001, ettei taloudellisista syistä johtuen ehkä olisi enää järkevää levyttää uutta musiikkia:

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”In the economic reality, it costs money to make a record. The time it takes to make a record, if you want to make it right, is time we would have to take off from working and we’d rather be out there working than making a record that nobody’s going to buy. We’re a classic rock act with a paradoxical future: the current buying public is not really going to care what we put out.

”Classic rock radio probably won’t play anything new from us. Pop stations won’t play anything from us. So people finding out we have anything new is unlikely. I know the hardcore people would love to have new stuff from us and eventually we’re going to do it, but for a decade, there’s really been no reason to do it.”