Body Count julkaisi oman tulkintansa Pink Floydin ”Comfortably Numb” -kappaleesta – kappaleessa vierailijana David Gilmour

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.9.2024

Yhdysvaltalainen cross over -yhtye Body Count on julkaissut oman tulkintansa Pink FloydinComfortably Numb” -kappaleesta. Body Countin laulaja Ice-T kertoo bändin päätöksestä coveroida ”Comfortably Numb” seuraavaa:

“For me, ‘Comfortably Numb‘ is an introspective song — it’s me acknowledging that I’m older now. I’m telling the younger generation, you’ve got two choices: you can keep the fire burning or you can give up. It’s me trying to make sense of what’s happening, but also pointing out that we’re all in a place where we don’t have to face reality. We’ve got flat-screen TVs and popcorn, and we can just sit back and watch the chaos of the world like it’s a TV show. It doesn’t feel real until it shows up at your door. I’m a little numb, too — we all are.”

Kappaleeseen mukaan päätynyt David Gilmour kommentoi yhteistyötä puolestaan seuraavasti:

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Body Count‘s version of ‘Comfortably Numb‘ is quite radical, but the words really struck me. It astonishes me that a tune I wrote almost 50 years ago is back with this great new approach. They’ve made it relevant again.

The initial contact from Ice-T was for permission to use the song, but I thought I might offer to play on it as well. I like the new lyrics. They’re talking about the world we’re living in now, which is quite scary.

Ice-T and Body Count played in London recently. Sadly, I couldn’t make it, but if another opportunity came up to play with them, I’d jump at it.”

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Body Count julkaisee uuden ”Merciless”-albuminsa marraskuun 22. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta. ”Merciless”-albumin kappalelista vierailijoineen:

01 – “Interrogation Interlude”
02 – “Merciless”
03 – “The Purge” (feat. George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher of Cannibal Corpse)
04 – “Psychopath” (feat. Joe Badolato of Fit For An Autopsy)
05 – “Fuck What You Heard”
06 – “Live Forever” (feat. Howard Jones)
07 – “Do Or Die”
08 – “Comfortably Numb” (Pink Floyd cover) (feat. David Gilmour of Pink Floyd)
09 – “Lying Motherfucka”
10 – “Drug Lords” (feat. Max Cavalera of Soulfly)
11 – “World War”
12 – “Mic Contract”

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