Borknagar vokalisti sairaalaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.11.2014

Borknagar 2012 (2)Norjalaisen progressiivista black metallia soittavan Borknagarin vokalisti Andreas “Vintersong” Hedlund on joutunut sairaalaan päähän saamansa iskun seurauksena. Voit lukea yhtyeen sekä Hedlundin itsensä viestin aiheeseen liittyen tästä:

“This have been a rough week. Seven days ago Mr. V was seriously injured in an falling accident. This resulted in multiple fractures to the skull, brain hemorrhage and momentary dysfunctional hearing on one ear. We have intentionally kept this off the radar, till he felt fit enough to update the public himself. So his post on Facebook today should be regarded as an heartwarming and uplifting statement of his recovery.

We would like to wish our collegua and dear friend all the best, the best possible treatment and a speedy recovery to full health. Also all the best to his closest family, his wife and kids in this difficult situation.

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In the current situation Mr. V’ process of recovery and regaining health is the most important thing. The release of our new album might be delayed accordingly, as there is absolutely no option to leave our bro behind or in any way compromise on his recovery.

Get well bro!

—- Ø”

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Andreas Hedlund on itse kommentoinut tapahtunutta seuraavasti:

“Seven days ago I was injured in an accident leading to some quite heavy down grade of my physical condition. I fell down and crashed head first on a concrete floor while helping out with a moving some furniture. The accident is only to be blamed by myself due to stress andnot paying enough attention to saftey issues.

I got hurt in different ways. The most significant is three cracks in my head.bleeding in my brain and a disfunctional ear.

Im now trying to cure myself at the hospital and come back full strengt asap. As where I am in my recovery I wish to focus on getting better and not to go through the whole scenario over and over again. Take care of eachother… can show its ugly face when you least expect it

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Mr V”