Boysetsfire julkaisi 15 kappaleen mittaisen etäkeikan
Boysetsfire on nauhoittanut 15 kappaleen mittaisen esiintymisen karanteeniolosuhteissa. Samalla bändi pyytää faneiltaan tukea vaikeina aikoina. Nokkamies Nathan Gray kommentoi:
”As some members of Boysetsfire depend on playing music for a living and with many of our summer shows cancelled we would appreciate it if you would leave a donation.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWe are heartbroken to have had to cancel so many shows this year due to the pandemic. As a band, as brothers, losing the opportunity to come together to do what we love took us a bit to recover from. We could see that our disappointment was shared in the hundreds of messages and notes so many of our fans were sharing with us as the news broke.
To ease the blow, we decided to put together a virtual event. While we would have loved to do a live show, given that we are all in multiple times zones across the globe (and that 99.9% of us are technically deficient,) we decided to to a streaming concert instead.
We know that this won’t be the same as gathering in a room with you all to share time, space and that energy we love so much, but we hope this will tide you over until we can do this is person again some day.
We love you, we miss you, and we will see you soon.”
– Nathan Gray, May 2020
Lahjoituksia voi tehdä täällä. Alla karanteenikeikka kokonaisuudessaan sekä settilista:
”After The Eulogy”
”My Life In The Knifetrade”
”Deja Coup”
”Eviction Article”
”Cutting Room Floor”
”Full Color Guilt”
”Bled Dry”
”One Match”
”Release The Dogs”