Breakdown of Sanityn vokalisti Carlo Knöpfel jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 8.10.2024

Sveitsiläinen metalcore -yhtye Breakdown of Sanity tiedottaa, että yhtyeen vokalisti ja perustajiin kuuluva Carlo Knöpfel lähtee yhtyeestä. Knöpfel esiintyy yhtyeen kanssa vielä loppuvuodeksi sovituilla keikoilla, mutta siirtyy syrjään pestistään vuoden vaihduttua.
Breakdown of Sanity tiedottaa:

Dear fans,

Filled with wistfulness, we have to inform you that our singer Carlo will no longer be part of Breakdown of Sanity from 2025. We will miss a good friend and inspiring fellow musician in our circle.

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Nevertheless, he will always remain a part of the BoS family, and we all thank him for the incredibly great time and wish him only the very best for his musical future. We part with beautiful memories and our friendship lives beyond the music.

All shows in 2024 and beyond will take place as planned, but our hometown show at Bierhübeli Bern on 27 Dec 2024 will be the last one with Carlo. Later this year we will also release one last song with him.

Breakdown of Sanity will continue to exist and we’re already working hard on new music and plans for our future. Stay tuned!

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Carlo Knöpfel kommentoi:


After over a decade filled with unforgettable memories and the privilege of sharing our music with amazing fans across the globe, the time has come for me to step down as the vocalist of Breakdown of Sanity at the end of 2024. This difficult decision was made with careful consideration and respect for the band and its future endeavors.
​​This year’s comeback has been an emotional journey, and I am very grateful for all the love and support we’ve received. It’s never easy to close a chapter, especially one filled with such meaningful experiences and friendships. But for some time now, I’ve realized that my creative path is leading me in a new musical direction. It feels right to take this step and fully dedicate my energy to personal and new artistic projects.

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I deeply appreciate the love and support you’ve shown us over the years. It’s been an honor to share the stage with such talented musicians and connect with so many of you through our music. Although my chapter with BOS is coming to an end, the band will continue to create and perform with the same passion as before. I wish my brothers nothing but the best and will support them wholeheartedly from the sidelines.

Thank you all for being a part of this incredible adventure. These memories will stay with me forever.
​​With love and deepest gratitude,


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