Brittiläinen rockveteraani Magnum julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa tammikuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.6.2019

Englantilainen rockin veteraani Magnum on julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2020 tammikuussa. Yhtyeen laulaja Bob Catley on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa Midlands Metalheads Radion haastattelussa ja kertonut tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

”The new album [is] coming out in January next year… We aren’t even halfway through recording at the moment, but the new album usually comes out in January, and we normally tour just after that — February, March, April, something like that… [Tony’s] written all the songs, and we’re doing our parts now. I’ve been away with AVANTASIA for some time, but I’ve done most of my vocals before I left. I’m going to change some lyrics, so I’ve got to do some of these again now, which will be for the better. I’m looking forward to doing that when we come back from Spain, playing with RITCHIE BLACKMORE’S RAINBOW in Malaga [this weekend]. Then we come back and resume the album and start again from where we left off. [It] should be done by the end of September [and] should be out by January… We still have Rodney Matthews for the front cover, as always. Lovely stuff. We’ve just seen the pencil drawing he sent to the studio the other day of the new artwork. [It’s] great — fantastic… It works really well, I think. It’s old-school artwork – fantastic old-school stuff. A bit mysterious, a bit arty, a bit fantasy. We like dragons, and we like wizards. We like all that stuff. Why not? A lot of people out there still love that stuff, so why not?”

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Yhtyeen viimeisin ”Lost on the Road to Eternity” -niminen albumi ilmestyi vuonna 2016.