On Broken Wings tekee paluun
Yhdysvaltalainen metalcore -yhtye On Broken Wings on tekemässä paluuta. Bändi jäi tauolle vuonna 2007 pian ”Going Down” EP:nsä julkaisun jälkeen. Yhtye on nyt työstämässä materiaalia uudelle albumille, joka julkaistaan alustavasti tänä syksynä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
”We started writing back in November after we got back from touring with Bring Me The Horizon, Parkway Drive, Architects, and Deez Nuts. That was the first tour we had done with our core lineup in about 5 years and it really made us excited about doing On Broken Wings again. It took us awhile, but we’ve finally found our groove again with writing new songs and have a pretty clear direction that we want to move in musically.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I think I can safely say that none of us have been this excited about what we’re doing since ’Some Of Us May Never See The World,’ and this is the most open to new ideas we’ve been since then as well.
”We’re currently writing in hopes of putting out a full length sometime this fall. We have no label backing us right now, so unless one takes interest us fairly soon, we’re going to be doing this on our own. In releasing ’Ego Ideal,’ and ’Crowns Meant For Kings,’ we wanted to give people a taste of what we are up to. The feedback has been very supportive and we can’t wait to get more new stuff out there. Expect some really interesting things in the coming months.”