Bruce Corbittille pidetään julkinen muistotilaisuus Teksasissa
Warbeastista tunnettu laulaja Bruce Corbitt menehtyi 25. päivä tammikuuta parantumattomaan ruokatorven syöpään. Hänelle pidetään julkinen muistotilaisuus maaliskuun 9. päivä Teksasin Fort Worthissa. Alla muistotilaisuuden virallinen ilmoitus:
”We will come together to celebrate and remember a great man who touched the hearts of so many people in this world. We will show our love and support for his wife Jeanna, his daughter Chyna, his stepson Lyric, and BRUCE’s amazing mother Glenda. We will celebrate in the most beautiful way possible by honoring BRUCE’s final wishes to make his memorial just the way he wanted it. Additional details on special presentations, guest musicians, and other surprises are still being worked out. Stay tuned and You Know Damn Well!”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Yhtye aikoo julkaista dvd-boksin, joka sisältää bändin ensimmäisen live-esiintymisen Warbeast-nimen alla, sekä bändin viimeiseksi jääneen live-esiintymisen. Yhtyeen Scott Shelby kommentoi Corbittin kuolemaa:
”BRUCE and I have been friends since the late ’80s and were early pioneers in the Dallas/Fort Worth metal scene and later joined forces to form Warbeast. BRUCE and I worked together as a team, or as he would say the dynamic duo. We both had a vision and our own skills to make it work and that’s how we did everything that you do in a band and it worked out great for us. Unfortunately, you don’t notice all the great things in a person until they die and what my friend did for Texas metal and our scene and branching out to the rest of the world is a huge loss in itself let alone all he did for others in need; doing many benefit gigs for various people… everything he and we did was done in a big style with flawless production! I could go on and on but all our peers in the business know what I’m talking about. There is a huge hole in my life, in our scene, and in the metal industry. He was a great man. I miss you, BRUCE. We had so much unfinished business. Rest in Beast.”