Bullet For My Valentine julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”Not Dead Yet”

Walesista kotoisin oleva metalcore-yhtye Bullet For My Valentine on julkaissut tuoreen musiikkivideon katsottavaksi kappaleesta ”Not Dead Yet”, joka löytyy aiemmin tänä vuonna ilmestyneeltä albumilta ”Gravity”. Yhtye on julkaisemansa myös ”Gravity Deluxe Edition”-erikoisalbumia lokakuun 26.päivä. Yhtyeen laulaja/kitaristi Matt Tuck on kertonut ”Not Dead Yet”-kappaleesta näin:
”There’s a lot of stuff going on on this record, which was stuff about me, and stuff that kind of felt quite negative, even though it wasn’t trying to be. There was just more songs about where I’m at and stuff. So I wanted to do a positive vibes song about not being dead yet, and we’ve achieved amazing things, and there’s still a lot of life left in us yet, in our personal lives and in the band. Creative juices, you know. And so the song is about taking life by the paws and not giving up.”
1 |
Leap Of Faith
2 |
Over It
3 |
Letting You Go
4 |
Not Dead Yet
5 |
The Very Last Time
6 |
Piece Of Me
7 |
Under Again
8 |
9 |
10 |
Don’t Need You
11 |
Breathe Underwater
12 |
Breaking Out
13 |
14 |
15 |
Letting You Go (Zardonic Remix)
16 |
Breathe Underwater (Piano Version)
17 |
The Very Last Time (Piano Version)
18 |
Under Again (Piano Version)
19 |
Don’t Need You (Live)