Bullet For My Valentine virallisti jatkavansa ilman rumpaliaan Michael ”Moose” Thomasia – uusi studioalbumi valmis
Brittiläinen metalliyhtye Bullet For My Valentine on julkaissut virallisen tiedotteen, jossa kerrotaan yhtyeen jatkavan ilman rumpaliaan Michael ”Moose” Thomasia. Jo vuoden 2015 marraskuusta bändissä on soittanut rumpuja Jason Bowld, joka on nyt myös virallisesti yhtyeen uusi rumpali. Lisäksi yhtye kertoo saaneensa uuden albuminsa valmiiksi. Bändin tiedotteen voi lukea alhaalta:
“Bullet family,
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySo, the time is almost upon us. We’ve been slaving away since April on new music, and we’re stoked to say that as of today – the sixth Bullet album is 99% DONE. We’ve one or two cherries to add to the cake, so to speak, but we can say without doubt that we’ve created something that we’re incredibly proud of, and we can’t wait to let you hear it.
In the spirit of starting a fresh chapter for Bullet For My Valentine, we wanted to clarify the Bullet For My Valentine drummer situation . As most of you know, Jason Bowld has been in the hot seat since November 2015, playing every show we’ve done since then – killing it every single night. Jase has been a big part of making the last cycle for us our most enjoyable and successful yet, from the live shows through to the writing and recording sessions for ‘Don’t Need You‘ last year.
With that said, we’d like to officially welcome Jason to Bullet For My Valentine as our permanent drummer. Since initially filling in for Moose in 2015, Jase has cemented himself as an integral member of the Bullet family, and you guys are going to be blown away with what he’s brought to the new record.
We’d like to place on record our thanks for everything that Michael “Moose” Thomas has given to Bullet throughout his time in the band, and we wish him every success in his future endeavours.
Please join us in welcoming Jase to the fold, as I know he’d like to thank you guys for all the support and love you guys have given him over the last 2 years.
We’ll see you guys in 2018. It’s going to be a big one.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Thomas itse kommentoi asiaa Twitter -tilillään:
Hi guys, thanks for all your messages! As soon as I can say what’s going on you guys will be the first to know. It’s been a weird couple of years for me, but please hear this I AM NOT QUITTING DRUMS OR MUSIC!I have been hard at work on something and will announce very soon. #2018
— Moose Thomas (@MooseKTL) December 4, 2017