Bury Tomorrow julkaisi videon yhteistyössä While She Sleepsin Loz Taylorin kanssa tehdystä ”Heretic”-kappaleesta
Englantilainen metalcorea soittava Bury Tomorrow on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”The Seventh Sun” -nimisen albuminsa maaliskuun 31. päivä Music For Nationsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu video ”Heretic”-kappaleesta, jossa vierailijana kuullaan While She Sleepsin laulajaa Loz Tayloria. Bury Tomorrow:n laulaja Daniel Winter-Bates kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:
“‘Heretic‘ is here, and we knew from day one of recording that this song was something we wanted the world to hear immediately. It’s right up there with the most aggressive and visceral tracks on the album, with an inherently dark feel, both lyrically and musically, which allowed us to delve into some of the more brutal elements of ‘The Seventh Sun‘. All in all, we’re extremely proud to showcase this track and can’t wait to see what people think.”
“From the off, we knew this song merited a guest vocal spot, and Loz Taylor of While She Sleeps sprang to our minds straightaway. He is already an absolute legend in our eyes, and working with him on this track has only confirmed that status further. His voice incorporated perfectly and has undoubtedly taken the song to the next level – we couldn’t be happier.”
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