Bury Your Dead työstämään uutta albumia
Bury Your Dead aikoo siirtyä studioon ensi kuussa nauhoittaakseen seuraavan albuminsa Victory Recordsille. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin kitaristi Brendan ”Slim” MacDonaldilta.
So we have been busier than hell the last 4 months since that time we decided to flip our van into a ditch and go on tour a week later . . . . anyways we are finishing up writing for our next victory release as we speak . to be honest this record has been a long time coming we have been on the label for 5 years released 4 records and this is it .I say it every time we go into the studio ” this is the best thing ever that we have ever written ever and its meaningful because and ever and stuff ” but lets be honest this year for us hasnt been anything short of a shitty coin toss . between the awesome tours and heading overseas twice there were a fair amount of remedial bullshit to have to get over , and i promise you will hear about most of it some how or another on the record .
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyIn between writing riffs i have been spending the majority of my time using a chainsaw to kill things that want to get in my grill area in gears of war 2 , i mean what a better way to be brootal than chainsawing someone in the face allot , ok theres a few things but thats all i’ve got its winter and its cold out .
This record has it all , you will be able to circle pit in your bedroom and makeout with your girlfriend/boyfriend to it ! best of both worlds i know , i mean if youre into that kind of thing than youll like it i guess .
We start recording in a few weeks so heads up for allot more coming from us on here in the coming weeks boys and girls .