Butcher Babies etsii parhaillaan uutta levy-yhtiötä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.7.2019

Yhdysvaltalainen Carla Harveyn sekä Heidi Shepherdin kipparoima metalliyhtye Butcher Babies on päättänyt lopettaa yhteistyönsä Century Median kanssa ja etsii parhaillaan julkaisijaa seuraavalle järjestyksessään neljännelle studioalbumilleen. Toinen yhtyeen laulajista, Heidi Shepherd, paljasti asian hiljattain The Robbcast Podcastin haastattelussa ja kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”We’ve been writing since October. No touring plans for 2019. We’re really focusing on just making this album. We’re in quite a shift in BUTCHER BABIES right now. We’ve been a signed band since 2012, and we are currently going for a different label now. So it’s exciting for us. We had to kind of fight to get out of our last situation. [Laughs] And so it’s such a release and such a big open door. And so we’re really focusing on what we want to do musically and the sound we’re gonna have. We’re gonna definitely maintain that BUTCHER BABIES sound. You can always tell it’s us. There’s a lot of dynamic — there’s always been a lot of dynamic — and I feel like holding ourselves to that is the smartest thing. And so we’re just kind of playing around with all different stuff — playing around with different producers and just trying different things and seeing what label is gonna work best for us. So we’re in kind of fun shift right now. It’s awesome.”

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