Butcher Babies palaa thrash metal juurilleen tulevalla albumillaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.5.2015

Butcher Babies 2014Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Butcher Babiesin vokalistit Heidi Shepherd sekä Carla Harvey ovat antaneet haastattelun 25. päivä huhtikuuta haastattelun ”The Roman Show” -nimiselle sivustolle, jossa kuvailevat yhtyeen tulevaa kesän lopussa julkaistavaa albumiaan. Naisten mukaan yhtyeen tuleva albumi on paluu yhtyeen juurille ja se tulee sisältämään paljon vaikutteita thrash metallista. Voit lukea naisten mietteitä yhtyeen tulevasta albumista tästä:

Heidi Shepherd:

”We’re ve been a band for over five years now. When we first started, we initially were thrash metal — all screaming, in your face, just really thrashy — and then when we recorded ’Goliath’, you know, four years later or something… no, three yeas later… something like that… we kind of made it a little bit more melodic, a little something that showed the talent of the band. ’Cause a lot of people were, like, ’Oh, they’re not a real band.’ ’Cause we were around forever before we were able to release an album. So we really wanted to go out there and show our talents in it. This album, we gained a fan base, and we know what they love. We know that when we go to these festivals and when we go to these shows, our thrashier music just grabs the crowd and pulls them in. So we wrote this album with that in mind and went back to our roots — the thrashiness, the heaviness, a lot of emotion [and] a lot of aggression. And we’re really excited. We played two new songs tonight, and it was… great response for both of them.”

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Carla Harvey kommentoi bändin seuraavaaa albumia:

”The one thing that we’ve always said… we’ve always said that metalheads can sense honesty and they relate to honesty. So all of our lyrics are taken from deep in our guts. They’re mostly personal experiences. We have a few songs that are about serial killers and this and that, but most of the songs are straight from our hearts, straight from personal experience, our childhoods, things that have happened to us as we grew and became adults and strong women. And we never hold back; they’re very raw lyrics.”

”Most of this album was written towards the end of last year. We wrote a lot in the studio, which is a completely different experience for us. The other songs, in our past, we had the luxury of playing those songs live for a long time before we recorded them. This is kind of a new experience for us. We wrote them partially on our headlining tour, partially in the studio, and recorded them without ever playing them live first. But, you know, we had the emotion there, so they still came out great. We’re really proud.”

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