Butcher Babiesilla suunnitelmissa julkaista tupla-albumi kesällä 2023

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.3.2023

Yhdysvaltalainen Carla Harveyn sekä Heidi Shepherdin kipparoima metalliyhtye Butcher Babies on julkaisemassa tupla-albumin kesän 2023 aikana. Heidi Shepherd on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa Rapture Radion haastattelussa ja kertonut albumista seuraavaa:

”Yes. Absolutely. There’s actually a double album coming out this summer.

”We took 2019 off of touring to write and record an album that we were set to release in 2020, and, obviously, the world died — it was basically a fend-for-yourself moment. So we put everything on hold and we decided to use that time to write. And so we wrote a ton during that time. And so we decided to put the album on hold and go and record more. So now we have a double album coming at you this summer… And I’m so excited for people to hear all of this music that we’ve made within the span of the last four years. In fact, this morning we got the final mix to one song that’s just finished. So you’re gonna hear stuff we wrote in 2019, and then you’re gonna hear stuff that we wrote and just finished last week.”

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