Cabal julkaisi uuden ”Sort Sommer” -kappaleen Fabräk-yhtyeen kanssa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 12.6.2024

Tanskalainen deathcore-yhtye Cabal on julkaissut uuden ”Sort Sommer” -nimisen kappaleen Fabräk-yhtyeen kanssa.
Laulaja Andreas Bjulver kertoo kappaleesta:

”’Sort Sommer’ is a very special track to us as it’s done completely in our native tongue (Danish) and is a track made in collaboration with our good friends in FABRÄK and it sounds very different from what most people would expect from a CABAL track. It’s a track that while exploring some heavy subjects is build around friends having fun and pushing boundaries for their respective genre in the studio.”

Yhteistyöstä Fabräkin kanssa Bjulver kertoo:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

”So the collaboration happened since one of the singers used to be a bassplayer in a metal band that was on the same management as cabal so we’ve known each other from the scene since forever, also our bass player is their live guitarist and I live with the other singer, so even though our sounds are quite different this probably the band that we are the most intertwined with.”