Caladan Brood työstämässä uutta albumia: Summoning-coveri kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 13.12.2016

caladan-broodYhdysvaltalainen eeppistä black metallia soittava Caladan Brood työstää parhaillaan seuraavaa 2013 ilmestyneelle”Echoes of Battle” -debyyttialbumilleen, ja tulevan levyn tiedot julkaistaan myöhemmin. Lisäksi yhtye on julkaissut coverin itävaltalaisen Summoningin ”Farewell” -kappaleesta, joka nauhoitettiin kolmilevyiselle tribuuttialbumille nimeltä ”In Mordor Where the Shadows Are – Homage to Summoning”. Yhtyeen Facebook-tiedotteen sekä Summoning-coverin voit katsastaa tästä:

”It has been some time since we last broke the silence on this page. Since we have a Summoning cover featured on an upcoming tribute compilation, we would like to take this opportunity to post an update on our activities. This will be something of a lengthy post; the first half will cover the status of Caladan Brood as a project, and the second half will shed some light on the circumstances surrounding the recording of the cover of ’Farewell’ we contributed to ’In Mordor Where the Shadows Are – Homage to Summoning’.”

”Firstly, we would like to address a question we have seen posed often in messages and posts on our page: yes, new material from us is on the horizon. We are writing and recording. We are active. Both of us are always very busy juggling a variety of musical projects, but Caladan Brood is important to us and we are slowly but surely forging original material.”

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”Regarding our participation in this Summoning tribute compilation, we would like to first and foremost thank Wolfspell Records for asking us to contribute. We only discovered the invitation a few weeks ago, but we decided to agree to record a cover in spite of the imminent deadline. As a result, this is by far the fastest any of our recordings have ever come to fruition. The cover was learned, recorded, engineered, and mixed in its entirety at Shield Anvil’s home in just two sessions, and mastered by Dave Otero in a matter of hours. It was a whirlwind project completed white-knuckled and with gritted teeth, but it was a great exercise in stretching our legs insofar as moving a recording from concept to completion goes. We are looking forward to applying this energy toward finalizing some of the original material we have been chipping away at.”

”Regarding our music no longer being available on Spotify and Google Play: we had no involvement in our music being removed from these services. We also were completely unaware that our music was available on those platforms in the first place. Bandcamp is the only digital music distribution and streaming platform that we have direct involvement in.”

”Lastly, we have paid attention to the overwhelming requests that we stock some items in our online store. We wanted to wait until we had some sort of musical content to present before making merchandise, so we are using the release of this tribute to Summoning as the impetus to provide people who missed our first round of shirts and patches with the opportunity to obtain some. We will have a few merch options available online within the coming months, and we will make a post here on Facebook when we stock the armoury.
And so, without further ado, here is our contribution to ’In Mordor Where the Shadows Are – Homage to Summoning’:”

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