Cannibal Corpsen Alex Webster: ”Uskon, että aloitamme keikkailun ’Violence Unimagined’ -albumin tiimoilta vasta ensi vuonna”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.3.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -legenda Cannibal Corpse on julkaisemassa seuraavan, ”Violence Unimagined” -nimisen albuminsa huhtikuun 16. päivä Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen basisti Alex Webster on antanut hiljattain brasilialaiselle Kazagastão-verkkolehdelle haastattelun, jossa on paljastanut yhtyeen aikovan suunnata hyvin todennäköisesti kiertueille markkinoimaan huhtikuussa ilmestyvää levyään vasta vuonna 2022. Webster kertoi yhtyeen tulevaisuudensuunnitelmista haastattelussa seuraavaa:

”I think we will; it’s just a matter of when. And that’s so unclear right now. It could possible that bands are gonna be doing touring by the end of 2021. I think for us, we kind of just decided that 2021 is probably not going to work. Even if bands start touring in late 2021, there’s gonna be so many trying to at the exact same time. We’re hopeful that maybe in the first half of 2022, we could start to tour in support of this album. Of course, it’s completely different from how we normally do things. Normally, the album comes out, and we’re already on tour or we start a tour right at the exact time that the album comes out. So, yeah, it’s different.

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”I really miss touring. I think us and hundreds, and maybe thousands, of other bands feel the same way. It’s really such a big part of being a band, especially in this day and age when, really, most of how you make your living is from touring and selling merchandise on tour, and that sort of thing. So, on a business side of things, of course, we miss it. And then, it’s what we do — it’s what we love to do. When we put out an album, we’re looking forward to being out there for two years, on and off, going all over the world, seeing our fans.”

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