Carpathian Forestin jättäneet kitaristit perustivat uuden yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.12.2014

The 3rd Attempt 2014Norjalaisesta black metal -yhtye Carpathian Forestista hiljattain eronneet kitaristit Tchort sekä BloodPervertor ovat perustaneet yhdessä uuden yhtyeen nimeltä The 3rd Attempt. Yhtye on valinnut uudeksi vokalistikseen Kaahrl Ødemarkin (Midnattsvrede, Necrocave) ja julkaissut projektiin liittyen ensimmäisen demonsa nimeltä ”The Beast Within”. Voit lukea yhtyeen kitaristin Tchortin mietteet uudesta vokalistista sekä kuunnella yhtyeen uuden demon tästä:

Yhtyeen kitaristi Tchort on kommentoinut uuden vokalistin hakua seuraavasti:

”We were blown away, not only by the quantity of submissions we received, but also by the quality. Those sending in auditions were given the option of making them public or keeping them private, so what you saw posted on the band’s Facebook page was only the tip of the iceberg of what we had to assess. It took us a long time because we felt that everyone who sent in their demos deserved all the attention we could give them, and we would like to thank all the extraordinarily talented musicians who took part. It was a difficult choice but in the end we opted for former MIDNATTSVREDE and NECROCAVE vocalist Kaahrl Ødemark because his delivery and attitude were very much in keeping with what we had in mind for THE 3rd ATTEMPT. We have put together a demo of a track with Kaahrl on vocals as a way of introducing him to everyone.”

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