Cataract tauolle

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 6.12.2011

Sveitsiläinen metalcore -yhtye Cataract on ilmoittanut siirtyvänsä tauolle ensi vuonna. Bändi soittaa viimeisen keikkansa vuodenvaihteessa Abart, Zurichissä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen virallisen viestin aiheesta.

”In the dark corners of Zurich, rumour is rife that CATARACT will be playing their last show this December, last show? Ever? I mean, ever ever? Of course not. The Swiss powerhouse of metal, loud, hard and merciless, doesn’t even think about turning around and moving on to a normal life. There’s too much truth to be said, too many stages that need to be rocked and too many pits that need to mosh! The grain of truth in this rumour is that CATARACT will go into an extended hibernation, as lead singer Fedi is leaving for a long planned and desired world trip for the whole of 2012.

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Plans not only include the rest of the boys kicking back and enjoying some time off themselves, but also writing new tracks to be recorded and released as soon as Fedi has returned in early 2013. The metal machinery will be working again and steamroll all over Europe!”

”However, before the activities are frozen and the guitars given some much owed time to rest, CATARACT are honoured to play their final show for 2011/2012 at the legendary Abart club, which is due to close its doors next year. They will be supported by Lucerne’s Silent Slander and Zurich’s Beyond The Vortex, along with some other guests. And if you know the band, there will also be a bunch of surprises for everyone to enjoy – for example free admission to Abart’s Maximum Kick Party on the same night! So, get up, dress up and show up for a night of good times!”

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