Cave Inin ja Old Man Gloomin Caleb Scofield menehtyi kolarissa

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 30.3.2018

Cave In- ja Old Man Gloom -yhtyeiden basisti-laulaja Caleb Scofield on menehtynyt. Mies törmäsi kuorma-autollaan tullin puomiin 28. maaliskuuta, jonka seurauksena hänen autonsa syttyi tuleen. Raportin sekä videon onnettomuudesta voi lukea Unionleaderin sivuilta. Scofield oli kuollessaan 39 vuotias. Hänen perheensä hakee parhaillaan rahaa muistotilaisuutta varten YouCaring -sivustolla. Molemmat yhtyeet ovat julkaisseet lausunnon Scofieldin poismenon johdosta.

Cave In:

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“We are shocked and devastated by the passing of Caleb Scofield. He was one of a kind, our best friend and an unfathomable world of inspiration. Thank you for your support, and for understanding how difficult this is for us. Please donate to his family”

Old Man Gloom:

“We’d like to thank everyone for the kind words coming in. We will have countless words to say, and endless stories to tell in the future, but today we are just trying to keep it together. All I ask is that if Caleb has ever brought you a moment of joy, please follow this link and support his family.”

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Scofieldin lisäksi Old Man Gloomissa soitti jäseniä Isis- ja Converge -yhtyeistä, jotka ovat kummatkin julkaisseet oman osanottonsa.


“Yesterday the world lost a very special person: Caleb Scofield. He was deeply important to us as a friend, tour mate, roommate, collaborator and human. He was a great father, a loving husband and his loss will be most deeply felt by his family. His music in his various bands (Cave In, Old Man Gloom, Zozobra), have inspired us and many others, and will continue to do so for years to come. We love you and miss you already Caleb. A fundraiser for the Scofield family can be accessed via the link in the comments section. For those that are able , and especially those that have been touched by Caleb‘s music and presence over the years, please consider donating. Thank you.”


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“How do you sum up someone like Caleb Scofield in a facebook status? We all loved him deeply. We were all truly lucky to call him a friend. We all loved the music he made and we were all inspired by him. The news of his passing is a hard pill to swallow. We will miss him. Rest in peace friend.”