Centinex laittaa toimintansa jäihin laulajan syövän takia

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 27.2.2025

Ruotsalainen death metal -yhtye Centinex tiedottaa laittavansa toimintansa toistaiseksi jäihin laulaja Henrik ”Henka” Anderssonin sairastuttua Hodgkinin lymfoomaan, eli imukudossyöpään. Yhtye kertoo tiedotteessaan Anderssonin syövän olevan vakavampaa sorttia, jonka vuoksi Andersson aloittaa kemoterapian välittömästi. Yhtye peruu kaikki keikkansa ja lykkää kesäkuulle suunniteltua albumin julkaisua. Tärkeintä on antaa Anderssonin keskittyä toipumiseen, bändin tulevaisuudesta päätetään myöhemmin.
Yhtye kirjoittaa:

Dear fans, followers and whoever it might concern.

We are gutted to inform you all that our vocalist, Henrik “Henka” Andersson has been diagnosed with cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma).

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This damn disease was detected about a month ago and the last weeks have been filled with various tests and diagnoses.

Unfortunately, the conclusion now is that the cancer is of a more serious art so an extensive chemotherapy treatment needs to start right away (this week that is).

The treatment will continue at least throughout the spring, possible into the summer.

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As always in these kinds of cases, it’s hard to predict and see into the future what exactly will happen, it all depends on how successful the treatment will be and so on.

Due to this current situation and foremost due to all uncertainty, we have decided to cancel all confirmed and planned shows for 2025.

We have also decided to postpone the release of our new album, originally scheduled for June 13th.

To put out an album in the middle of uncertain times and without being able to promote it properly with shows and such, doesn’t feel as something we want to do.

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Most important thing now is to give Henka the time needed for him to fully focus on his recovery, everything else is secondary and how the bands future will look like, will be decided later.

Thank you for your support and attention, we will keep you updated.

Take care and please join us in this shout: #fuckcancer !!!

// Centinex

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