Chelsea Grinin solistilta päivitystä terveyteensä liittyen
Uutisoimme sivustollamme hiljattain, että yhdysvaltalainen deathcore-yhtye Chelsea Grin joutui jättäytymään Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueeltaan solisti Alex Koehlerin huonon terveydentilan vuoksi. Koehler on nyt julkaissut Instagramissa kuvan, jossa hän kertoo omasta terveydentilastaan:
“As you all may have heard by now, my health has been on a steady decline for the past couple years. Both my mental and physical state were getting hit hard, and it caused us to drop our tour with MIW. Which would have been our first U.S. tour in a year.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI’ve learned a lot of life changing lessons in the past 35+ days, and I’ll be making some major decisions in life. Most importantly I made a promise to myself to eat better, exercise more, and strive to be happy with what life has given me. I still have mends to make, and a path of broken hearts to heal, but for the first time in a long long time, I’m holding my head up high.
I just wanted to give a HUGE shout out to the fans, friends, and family who have stuck by me on this wild journey. I couldn’t ask for a better support system. I truly love you all! Life is too short to spend each day in misery. Put the remote down. Put the bottle down. Put the pipe down, and go outside. We’ve all been blessed with a life we only get to live once. So don’t waste it. I love you all.”