Chimaira menetti molemmat kitaristinsa

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 10.11.2011

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Chimairan nokkamies Mark Hunter on paljastanut, että bändin molemmat kitaristit Rob Arnold ja Matt DeVries jättävät yhtyeen ensi kuun viimeisen keikan jälkeen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Hunterin kommentit asiasta.

”I would like to start off by thanking our fans for a great tour. This last run was a blast, and truly the most fun we’ve had in a long while. The energy from the audience was exactly what we needed, and a welcoming return. Thank you guys! Unfortunately, as much fun as we were having, behind the scenes we were aware of some unfortunate realities that prevented us from ’living the dream’ and having the time of our lives. We had another bomb to drop on the fans. Early in July we were informed that Rob Arnold and Matt DeVries would be leaving Chimaira at the end of 2011. Of course this was a huge blow, but there were no hard feelings. We understand that life invades art, everything runs its course, and we have to take different paths. We respect their decision and wish them only the best. We made heavy metal history together and that is all that matters at the end of the day. Chimaira Christmas 12 will be their last show, and we’ve been preparing to make it one that you’ll never forget. I would personally like to thank Rob and Matt for all of their hard work, years of service to Chimaira, amazing songs, and for their friendship. Together we built something special that will remain for generations to come. I’m looking forward to spending another 5 weeks on the road with two of the best (and criminally underrated) guitarists in modern metal.”

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One thought on “Chimaira menetti molemmat kitaristinsa

  1. Arto Mäenpää

    Nyt on siis enää vokalisti bändissä mukana alkuperäisenä.. aika mielenkiintoisia aikoja eletään Chimaira leirissä.. oliskohan yks syy taloudelliset vaikeudet?

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