Chris Adler kertoo tuoreella videolla, mitä eroa oli toimia rumpalina Lamb Of Godissa Megadethissa soittamiseen verrattuna

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.2.2022

Yhdysvaltalaisessa metalliyhtye Lamb Of Godissa vuosien 1994-2018 välisen ajan sekä Megadethissa vuosina 2015 ja 2016 soittanut rumpali Chris Adler on antanut videohaastattelun Sobre Los Dosisille. Haastattelussa rumpalilta kysyttiin, mitä eroa kahdessa huippusuositussa metallibändissä soittamisessa oli. Adler kertoi, että siinä missä Lamb Of Godin kappaleissa rummut olivat erittäin suuressa osassa kappaleita, oli Megadethissa suurin fokus aina kitaroissa, jolloin rumpukomppeja saatettiin toistaa useita kertoja kappaleen sisällä. Lamb Of Godissa rumpukompit elivät ja muuttuivat paljon enemmän musiikin mukana. Adler kertoi kokemuksistaan seuraavaa:

“It’s an interesting question. When I was growing up…again, I started with guitar, I didn’t play drums until much later. And even when I started playing drums, I wasn’t a fan of drumming, I wasn’t a fan of drummers, I was always a fan of guitar players.

“And when I was growing up, after finding rock and roll and quickly getting through Aerosmith and Zeppelin and stuff like that, I found my way quickly to Megadeth. Became absolutely my favorite band, still is, of all time, to this day. And I loved it because of what was going on with the guitars.

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“A band like Lamb of God — and I’m not comparing it to any other band — was very influenced by a more rhythmic approach, where…I wouldn’t say the drums were necessarily more important than they were with Megadeth, but they were more prevalent in the concept of the song. We weren’t writing a five-minute song around three minutes of guitar solos. It was very much more the beat-oriented kind of thing.

“So technically, coming from the band I started, Lamb of God, going into Megadeth, it was certainly, for the time and what Megadeth is, was not easy to play any of those things. It was a totally different approach, though, where the drummer can, even if it’s a difficult thing, you can do that same difficult thing for two to three minutes. As opposed to Lamb of God, where I was constantly switching, constantly flipping, constantly moving around, which made it a lot more difficult…

“Of course, it’s not easy to learn and properly play anybody’s parts other than my own. I’ve never had a really easy time doing that. I don’t do many cover songs.”

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