Chris Broderick (Act Of Defiance, ex-Megadeth): ”Jos et ole lavalla soittamassa omaa musiikkiasi, niin miksi edes olet siellä?”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 26.6.2016

Chris Broderick 2016Mm. Megadethissa ja Nevermoressa soittanut nykyinen Act Of Defiance -kitaristi Chris Broderick antoi hiljattain haastattelun Thunder Underground -podcastille. Kun Broderickilta kysyttii, vaikuttiko hänen halunsa kirjoittaa omaa musiikkia päätökseen lähteä Megadethista, hän vastasi:

”That was the whole reason for the formation of this band — so that we could have our own say and be our own musicians and be our own people. Obviously, we’re coming out here, we’re grinding it out, we’re building it again, and that’s fine, because it’s all about the music. Because, at the end of the day, Shawn [Drover, ex-MEGADETH and current ACT OF DEFIANCE drummer] and I could have stayed where we were at, but if you’re not on the stage playing your own music, then, at some point, it’s, like, why are you here?”

Nykyisen Act Of Defiance -yhtyeensä musiikkityyliä hän kommentoi seuraavasti:

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”The main consideration that Shawn and I had when we wrote the music was that we wanted it to be heavier. And that was it. Anything else was fair game. So any of my little classical interludes that I wanted to put in there, Shawn was, like, ’Cool. Whatever.’ And any of Shawn’s guitar work that he wanted that was slightly off center was fine, you know. The only thing we would ever have is little suggestions for each other every once in a while, and that was it.”

Broderick otti kantaa myös siihen, miksi häneen viitataan mediassa entisenä Megadeth-jäsenenä vielä puolitoista vuotta yhtyeestä lähtemisen jälkeen:

”Based on what I’ve seen with other members, past members [of MEGADETH], it’s gonna take a little bit [before the media stops using that tag]. I was actually talking with [fellow ex-MEGADETH guitarist] Marty Friedman about that. He’s, like, ’Man, I’ve been working so hard to get away from that stigma, and I finally feel like it’s happening now.’ And I have to agree with him — it’s been much harder than I thought it would be to break away from that labeling. People still come up to me and they’re, like, ’Hey, you’re Chris Broderick of MEGADETH, right?’ And I’m, like,’ Oh, not anymore.’ I mean, you think when you release information on the Internet that instantly everybody knows, but it’s not the case.”

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