Cipher rumpali on kuollut

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 31.7.2011

Yhdysvaltalaisen hardcore punk -yhtye Cipherin rumpali Daniel Bobis on löytynyt kuolleena. Bobis katosi viime viikolla surffatessaan Indonesiassa ja tällä viikolla kalastaja löysi hänen ruumiinsa rannikolta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin asiasta.

I am truly sorry to be writing this. Last night Rachel, Bob, Lydia, and Brian received word that a body was found somewhere up the coast by fishermen. They immediately traveled together in hopes that it was a coincidence…It was not. They positively identified Danny. He is gone and now we must mourn. So please do not focus on what the media may release. In this terrible time of tragedy we must keep our energy on what Danny stood for and how we can be there for his family. We must come together and stay together….Danny you will never die in our hearts and we know your up in heaven ripping waves. I’ll see you when I get there brother…We love you.

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