Circa Survive jää määrittelemättömän pitkälle tauolle
Yhdysvaltalainen rock -yhtye Circa Survive on ilmoittanut jäävänsä määrittelemättömän pitkälle tauolle. Bändi on julkaissut aiheeseen liittyen virallisen tiedotteen ja voit lukea sen tästä:
“hi creature family, wanted to share the statement below with you all first. it will be getting posted publicly sometime today. love you all so much. – C
Many of you have asked where things stand with us and to be totally transparent, our future is currently uncertain. For the time being, we’re considering Circa on an indefinite hiatus. We want to thank you for all your love and support, especially over the last few years which were the hardest we have ever had to endure. Extra special thanks to the creatures.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyTomorrow we’ll be announcing ‘Two Dreams‘ a collection of both EPs with deluxe vinyl packaging that has been in the works for awhile now. Stay tuned for that announcement.
love and gratitude.”