Clock Paradoxin uusi albumi kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.8.2015

Clock Paradox 2015Oululainen progressiivista death metallia soittava Clock Paradox on laittanut järjestyksessään toisen albuminsa nimeltä ”Opium” kokonaisuudessaan kuunneltavaksi yhtyeen omalle Bandcamp -sivustolle. Voit kuunnella yhtyeen tuoreen albumin tästä:

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”Hello there, our devoted fans! The insanely long wait is now over as our second album ”Opium” sees the daylight. Honestly speaking, there were times when we thought this day would never come: impossible working schedules, technical ailments of all sorts and other various major and minor difficulties amounted to a recurring motivation depletion that plagued us throughout the entire process. So we can speak with heartfelt emotion that every person behind this album has truly poured their heart and soul to the end result.

”Opium” is a more mature and more complete follow-up to ”Egotheism”. The compositions and arrangements are more thought-out, the production improved and the thematic elements are more multi-dimensionally woven. Musically, the band aimed to improve the aggression while simultaneously maintaining the atmospheric and versatile elements to their progressive death concoction. Lyrically, ”Opium” tells a story of a person who views the world quite directly in an opposing manner than its narrative counterpart on ”Egotheism”. Engulfed in unlimited amounts of empathy, the person seeks redemption for his tribulations from a society that is outright malevolent to his worldviews. Whereas ”Egotheism” was a story of absolute emotional cruelty and venomous hatred, ”Opium” ultimately approaches life and others from the aspect of love, caring and compassion. Kind of like Yang to the Yin, so to speak. And we certainly haven’t forgotten societal and social criticism, morbid humor or genuine emotion from the thematic cocktail. The ascetic, but magnificently clever cover art was once again designed and executed by our multi-talented bass artist, Timo Tyynismaa.

Moreover, the tale of Clock Paradox will now be coming to its end after six years of exploring the depths of fierce and atmospheric death metal. With Antti moving to Helsinki, Jani and Jyrki forming their own grindcore band Napalm Ted, Timo investing more of his time into his blooming brewery business and Jouni focusing on other projects, it would become too consuming to find time and motivation for a small band such as us to operate at a productive level under such circumstances. That being said, we consider ”Opium” to be an excellent point to leave one era behind and start another phase in life. We are proud of everything we have achieved throughout this journey, grateful for all the opportunities we have had, joyful of the memories of all the great bands and people we’ve played with and more than profoundly moved by all the support you fans and co-workers have provided us with! Hopefully ”Opium” will serve as an equally good manifestation of closure for you as it does to us.

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You can download the entire album for free, listen to it, review it, tell your friends about it and all of that sort you can imagine. We greatly appreciate all kinds of direct feedback among the Camp CP. But… without further ado: we are grateful to get the opportunity to thank each and everyone of you, goodbye for now and hope to see you across the globe!

– Antti, Jyrki, Jouni, Timo and Jani / Clock Paradox