Clutch aloittaa uuden materiaalin kirjoittamisen alkuvuodesta 2017

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 14.11.2016

Clutch 2016Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Clutchin rumpali Jean-Paul Gaster on antanut How Was It Detroit? -sivustolle haastattelun liittyen yhtyeen ensi vuoden suunitelmiin. Gaster kertoi mm. yhtyeen aloittavan uuden materiaalin kirjouttamisen alkuvuodesta, ja voit lukea hänen komemnttinsa tästä:

”We’re gonna write some, and then we’re gonna go back on tour. Touring really never ends. We take breaks from time to time. We’ll take off the first three months of next year and we’ll get down to writing, see what kind of direction that’s gonna take us in, and then start making plans to record. Probably what will happen is we will do some shows in the spring, and then, for us, it’s really important to play the new songs live, so I have a feeling that wherever we choose to record, we’ll do shows on the way out there to work through the material, play the material. You know, for me, as a drummer, those experiences are crucial to recording a record that, at the end of the day, you feel proud of. In the live setting, you can immediately tell where the pulse of that tune is. You gauge by the audience reaction, how they’re latching on to whatever groove that is, and you start to tweak things — you might pull stuff back or you might push stuff, change up an approach entirely, maybe. But that’s really crucial — it really brings the song to life.”

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Gaster kommentoi seuraavsti sivuprojektiaan Lamb of Godin kitaristi Mike Mortonin, Stinking Lizavedan basisti Yanni Papadopoulosin ja Lionizen kosketinsoittaja Chris Brooksin kanssa:

”Yeah, I’ve been jamming with Mark, Yanni and Chris, and the four of us have been getting together for about a year now. We have a good collection of tunes, and I think, really, the next move is to make a recording. And so we’ll probably do that at some point next year. It’s such an eclectic mix of musicians that when we get together, it’s a lot of fun more than anything, and stuff happens very quickly. So the shape of the music changes, and the approach change[s]. There’s a lot of energy there, and we’re still trying to figure out how to focus it and what exactly it’s gonna be.”

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