Clutch vokalisti leikkaukseen
Yhdysvaltalainen rock -yhtye Clutch on joutunut lykkäämään tulevaa Pohjois-Amerikan kiertuettaan vokalisti Neil Fallonin selkäleikkauksen takia. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin aiheesta.
”Dear friends, this week I’ve learned that a childhood injury to the neck, a genetic predisposition for spinal disease, and 20 some years of head banging will exact a toll. I’ve been diagnosed with an ugly case of cervical spinal stenosis and two herniated discs.
In some instances these conditions can be treated non-surgically. This is not the case for me. I have been advised by several neurosurgeons that my spinal cord has already been damaged and that I risk further damage were I not to address the situation. For this reason, I’ve decided to take care of this ASAP. Believe me, re scheduling a tour turns my stomach, but I believe this is the wisest choice given the prognosis.
On Tuesday I will undergo surgery. The procedure will fuse three vertebrae together with a small titanium plate. I have faith that this surgery will go as well as it can, and that I will be back in the saddle for our October-November tour. On behalf of my spine, deepest apologies to those who had been looking forward to seeing Clutch over the next two weeks. We’ll make it up to you.”