Conan julkaisee ”Man Is Myth – Early Demos” -kokoelman marraskuussa
Raskaansarjan brittiläinen doom-trio Conan aikoo julkaista uuden kokoelmalevyn ”Man Is Myth – Early Demos” marraskuun 17. päivä Napalm Recordsin kautta. Nimensä mukaan levy koostuu aiemmin julkaisemattomista kappaleista bändin alkuajoilta.
Bändin kitaristi-vokalisti Jon Paul Davis kommentoi levyä näin:
Conan has been active since 2006. Our first demo was recorded on Jan 27th, 2007 and since then we have continued to release our music and tour worldwide. We started out with nothing and gave it everything, like most respected bands. We are proud of where we have been and excited about where we may still go. These demos show a little bit of our progression through this time and hopefully can give the listener an idea of where we have come from. Our aim is always to play to our strengths and not over complicate, it held true at the beginning and it holds true now.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyNever give up.
1. Battle In The Swamp (Rehearsal room demo 2009)
2. Satsumo (Rehearsal room demo 2009)
3. Krull (Rehearsal room demo 2009)
4. Satsumo (Rehearsal room demo 2006)
5. Gravity Chasm ( Studio demo 2012)
6. Foehammer (Studio demo 2012)
7. Domed Iron Boss (Studio demo 2012)