Corey Taylor: ”Haluan kirjoittaa jotain väkivaltaista Slipknotin seuraavalle albumille”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.6.2017

Slipknotista sekä Stone Sourista tuttu laulaja Corey Taylor on antanut Metal Wanille haastattelun liittyen Stone Sourin tulevaan ”Hydrograd” -nimiseen albumiin liittyen. Keskusteltaessa albumista Coreylta kysyttiin samassa yhteydessä Slipknotin tulevaisuudesta, josta Corey kertoi seuraavaa:

”Nothing’s going on. We ain’t doing shit for two years. I’m doing STONE SOUR. [Percussionist] Clown’s doing his movie thing. Everybody’s kind of doing their own thing right now. So we’re just kind of letting ourselves have some time away, which is cool. Sometimes you just have to do that — sometimes you have to go away and let people miss you. So that’s what the plan is right now — just us kind of hanging out, letting everybody kind of catch their breath and then we’ll figure it out from there.”

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Taylor innostui kertomaan myös Slipknotin tulevan albumin mahdollisesta suuntauksesta ja paljasti haluavansa kirjoittaa väkivaltaisia sanoituksia tulevalle albumille. Aiheesta hän kertoi seuraavaa:

”I know I wanna write something violent, to be honest. I wanna do something that feels uncomfortable. I wanna go somewhere where we haven’t been in a long, long time. I don’t know what that means, but I think when I hear it, I’ll know what it is.”

Taylorin mukaan kumpikaan miehen yhtyeistä ei ole vielä julkaissut uransa parasta albumiaan:

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”I think if you consider the best of your past to be the best, then you’re just constantly chasing it. So, for me, it’s not necessarily about what’s best — it’s about what’s next. I think when you look at it that way, you’re constantly challenging yourself. You’re not trying to top yourself; you’re just trying to find… where’s that open ground that you haven’t stepped before? Where’s that open air that you haven’t breathed before? That’s what it comes down to, and I think maybe that’s the secret — that you can’t look at things as trying to top your best, because who knows when your best is going to come out.”

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