Corey Taylor hehkuttaa Freddie Mercurya tuoreessa haastattelussa: ”Rockin historian paras keulakuva”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.8.2017

Slipknotista / Stone Sourista tuttu laulaja Corey Taylor oli hiljattain vieraana yhdysvaltalaisen radiokanavan WRIF:n podcastissa. Taylorilta kysyttiin haastattelussa kuka hänen mielestään on rockin / metallin saralla valovoimaisin keulakuva ja Corey listasi omiksi suosikeikseen mm. Metallican James Hetfieldin, Van Halenin David Lee Rothin, Iron Maidenin Bruce Dickinsonin sekä Bruce Springsteenin, mutta kaikkein korkeimmalle Corey nosti kuitenkin Queenin edesmenneen laulajan Freddie Mercuryn. Corey kertoi Freddien olleen aina valovoimainen lavalla riippumatta siitä oliko hän väsynyt tai kipeä, ja suoriutuvan keikoista aina lähes täydellisesti:

”[METALLICA’s] James [Hetfield] is definitely up there. He’s got such a great, unique style. ’Cause he attacks the songs and then he’s just like so stoked. He’s just, like, ’Yeah, is everybody coming to have fun?’ But then you’ve got people like Diamond Dave [VAN HALEN singer David Lee Roth]; he’s one of those ultimates. But, to me, [late QUEEN singer] Freddie Mercury — nobody touches him. He is the gold standard, as far as I’m concerned. Whether it’s Bruce, who I love… Dickinson, obviously. Or Bruce Springsteen — both are equally adept at it. But there was something about Freddie that he would just draw all of that positivity — everything, all of that, out of it, and he was just electric from the second he hit the stage. It didn’t matter if he was sick or tired or whatever, when he was on, man, it was like you turned a spotlight on and he just shone.”

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Kysyttäessä Coreylta ehtikö hän koskaan todistaa Freddie Mercurya livenä Queenin kanssa, kertoi Corey seuraavaa:

”No. I was so young. I wish. It’s one of those things that… I have a handful of live regrets. That’s definitely one of ’em. But, to me, I feel that energy, though, and that’s the kind of stuff that I wanna bring when I come on the stage. And I hope that people enjoy it as much as I watched him enjoy it.”

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