Corey Taylor julkaisi videoviestin faneille mielenterveyteensä liittyviin ongelmiin liittyen: ”Se on pitkä tie mutta pyrin tekemään parhaani”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.1.2024

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin keulakuva Corey Taylor perui tammikuun alussa Yhdysvaltojen-kiertueen vedoten mielenterveyteen liittyviin ongelmiinsa. Nyt Taylor on julkistanut kiertueen Japaniin maaliskuun loppuun ja julkaissut kiertueen julkistuksen yhteydessä myös virallisen videoviestin faneille kertoen samalla rehellisesti omasta tämän hetkisestä terveydentilastaan. Voit lukea viestin tästä:

“Hey everybody, Corey Taylor here. Where do I even start? I decided to make this video in response to a lot of the feedback that came out after I announced that I would be carrying on with my Southeast Asia run. Originally that was supposed to mentioned in the statement that I released relating to my mental health lapse.

The truth of the matter is I understand why so many of you are upset. And I’m just gonna break it down for you. I — over the last year — have had a complete and utter breakdown of boundaries, mental health, ego, entitlement: the whole 9 yards, culminating in a very, very real, very near relapse. I kind of don’t recognize myself.

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So I wanted to address this and just tell people that I needed time to reset. I needed time to start working on my heart and my mind and get straight. The reason I’m keeping the Southeast Asia run: it’s literally four shows. It’s literally a week. I’m gonna see how I do with that and just take it day by day, basically. I’m working on self-care right now. Getting the help that I need. And surrounding myself with my family.

To everyone concerned with me, thank you very much. I appreciate it. To everyone who is upset, I hope this answers your questions. I’m just doing the best for me right now and it’s a long road. And I don’t know what’s at the end of it, but I look forward to it. I have gratitude for it and I hope that you can show me some patience. Thank you.”
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