Corey Taylor musiikin tärkeydestä koronapandemian aikana: ”Joskus musiikki on kaikki, mitä meillä on”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.9.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalliyhtye Slipknotista tunnettu moottoriturpa Corey Taylor julkaisee uransa ensimmäisen sooloalbumin nimeltä ”CMFT” lokakuun 2. päivä RoadRunner Recordsin kautta. Corey on antanut tulevasta sooloalbumistaan hiljattain haastattelun Full Metal Jackielle, jossa hän on paljastanut musiikin tekemisen ja kuuntelemisen toimineen hänelle suurena apuna koronapandemian keskellä, kun keikkailu ei ole ollut mahdollista. Corey kertoi musiikin voimasta haastattelussa seuraavaa:

”To me, really, it’s about just getting that song in your heart, basically. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true. It’s that little bit that you can do for everybody, ’cause everybody’s hurting right now, and I’m certainly not gonna sit here and go that this is putting me behind the eight ball when I know there are people out there who have no jobs and they are at risk of losing their apartments, their houses, their everything. For me, that’s where our job as entertainers comes in handy the most. The most important [thing] is making sure that people at least have music to turn to, at least have something positive and at least a positive message of, ’If you can just hold on for a little longer, things can get back to normal.’ It’s just as important now — maybe even more important now — for me to make sure that I’m entertaining people and giving people that lift that they need, because sometimes all we have in life is music. It’s certainly all I’ve ever really had. And being able to share that with people and maybe make a difference in their life, that’s gotta be the biggest thing.”

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