Corey Taylor paljasti syyn miksi ”All Out Life” -kappale ei löydy tulevalta Slipknot-albumilta

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 28.5.2019

Slipknotin viime lokakuussa ilmestynyt kappale ”All Out Life” ei tule löytymään yhtyeen tulevalta studioalbumilta, ja vokalisti Corey Taylor on nyt avannut syitä siihen. Kappaleen sanoituksista on tosin lainattu lause ”We Are Not Your Kind”, jonka mukaan tuleva levy on nimetty. Taylor kertoi Kerrang!-lehdelle, että kyseinen kappale tulee olemaan tarttuva yleisönnostatusbiisi, mutta muuten se ei oikein tuntunut sopivan albumille, ja se julkaistiinkin enemmän fanien iloksi uutta musiikkia tehdessä:

”’All Out Life’ isn’t on the album from a standpoint of it was kind of its own thing that really just let people know that we weren’t gone, and that we were still looking forward and working on music. It was just such a catchy song that it made sense to release it. But now, in context with the story that we’re telling on We Are Not Your Kind’, we weren’t sure if we were going to put it on there.”

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”I didn’t think it would be anything more than a great chant at a concert. It was one of the things in my head that I could hear 50,000 people screaming at the top of their lungs, pumping fists. It wasn’t so much that I thought it was benign or anything — it was definitely something that I thought, ’This could be something really cool’ — but it took on a life of its own, and that’s when I really started thinking about the phrase; about how it could be perceived.”

Corey Taylor kertoi myös aiemmin Des Moines Registerille antamassaan haastattelussa ajatuksiaan liittyen kappaleen kirjoitusprosessiin:

 ”People are way too pissed about the wrong things and not pissed enough about the right things. The song sets the tone for getting people to stand up and go, ’We’re not gonna allow this. We’re not gonna allow people to run us down for religious beliefs, for the color we are, for what we stand for. For who we chose to love.’ All of these things. There’s nobody doing it, man. Everybody’s too worried about their pockets. Everybody’s too worried about their paychecks.”

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”That was me, basically, drawing a line in the sand and going, ’Guess what? You don’t get to do this anymore.'”