Corey Taylor rankkasi Slipknotin albumit paremmuusjärjestykseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.4.2015

slipknot4Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin vokalisti Corey Taylor on tehnyt Noisey -sivustolle haastattelun, jossa on rankannut yhtyeen julkaisemat albumit omasta mielestään paremmuusjärjestykseen. Corey rankkasi yhtyeen albumit seuraavasti:

1. Slipknot (1999)
2. .5: The Gray Chapter (2014)
3. Iowa (2001)
4. Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses (2004)
5. All Hope Is Gone (2008)

Corey Taylor on myös valottanut valintojaan haastattelussa. ”All Hope Is Gone” albumista mies on sanonut seuraavaa (viitaten ilmeisesti tuottaja Rick Rubiniin, jonka kanssa yhteistyö ei oikein sujunut):

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”Just because of the experience around it has nothing to do with a lot of the music but I have to say my least favorite is ”All Hope is Gone”. [..] So it was really difficult to get that album made in the first place, and it was difficult to get everyone on the same page going out on the road. It was a miserable two years. One of the only reasons I can look back fondly on it is I got to spend a lot of time with Paulie. So other than that, the rest of it was so much hard work and pulling teeth, I have a hard time listening to that album without conjuring up terrible memories of what happened.”

”Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses” albumin laulut olivat Coreyn mielestä puolestaan huonot:

”My problems with that album are my vocal performance, a lot of it. Because I was trying something different with my voice, and later I came to my senses and I was like, Man I really don´t like what I´m doing with that, as far as the heavy side goes. I was trying a different scream and it just didn´t work.”

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Mies otti nauhoituksissa myös yhteen Rick Rubinin kanssa nauhoittaessaan ”Before I Forget” -kappaleen lauluja:

”Rick Rubin famously told me I needed to change the chorus to ”Before I Forget”, because he said it wasn´t a strong chorus, and I told him that´s just not going to happen. I agreed with him on a couple of occasions, but when it came to that song, I knew it was powerful enough that the chorus would carry it. And then we won a Grammy for it, so ya know.”

Kolmanneksi albumiksi Corey rankkasi vuonna 2001 julkaistun ”Iowan”. Mies kertoi albumista seuraavaa:

”I was so messed up in my life just from all the shit we were getting wrapped up in. All of a sudden, we were huge, we’ve got access to all this stuff, and now it was time to follow it up. And we knew we were going to do something crazy. But that didn’t stop us from kind of losing our minds. We all stayed pretty fucked up for the most part, we recorded a lot of the album fucked up. But there’s something about the album that’s so visceral, and so dark, just insanely dark. You listen to that album and it doesn’t sound like anything else. The production is so thick, so in your face, and the aggression is so unchecked and fucking out there. You can see where we were trying to step out of where we had come from, and where we were going. I remember when the album was finally finished, it was a moment of rare lucidity for me. I was very present. We listened to it, and I was blown away by how heavy it was. Like holy shit. And honestly, I think that album would’ve had more impact if it wasn’t for 9/11, which a lot of people forget happened a week after Iowa came out. A day after Slayer released their new album that people had been waiting for. We were kind of ostracized because of the things that were going on. We’d just gone through this terrible fucking tragedy, so they were looking for anything they could control as scapegoats. So we got fucked, Slayer got fucked, Rage Against the Machine got fucked. All of these seriously heavy artists got thrown up against a wall, and a lot of the safer shit got in. Nothing happened to fucking Linkin Park. All these lilly white fucking bands where people were like, “Well they’re safe enough, we’ll listen to them.” At the same time, we didn’t go anywhere. We went out and toured that album for another year and a half just to make sure it got its due credit. And now there’s some of the fans’ favorites. As dark as it is, there are so many fucking anthems on it, they still get played on the live set. I think it’s a testament to how far we were willing to stand our ground.”

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Yhtyeen uusin julkaisu ”.5: The Gray Chapter” sijoittuu toiseksi ollessa Coreylle se henkilökohtaisin albumi:

”Yeah, that hint of melancholy. Paul’s not there, we’d just split with Joey [Jordison], and there was this moment of, “What do we do? What are we going to do?” And luckily, we got together and did exactly what we needed to do. It was so gratifying to put it out there and destroy everyone who said we couldn’t do it. Even though the expectations were so high with our fans, the negative expectations were almost bigger from the people who’d been waiting for fucking years for us to fall on our face. So to come back, and not only to give them a one-two punch but also give those fuckers a kick right in the gooch, that was fucking beautiful, man. To come back out and be, “We’re going to be in your fucking face until the day we die, so go fuck yourselves,” that was a beautiful moment. Especially doing it the way we did, which was an album basically about our fallen brother. Which needed to be said, and also an album about us coming together and sharing those feelings. For a brutally heavy album, the album’s very emotional. It’s evocative, everything I wanted it to be.”

Ensimmäiseksi listalla nousi ehkä myös odotetusti yhtyeen ”Slipknot” albumi, josta Corey kertoili seuraavaa:

”We went into this so positive, there were no expectations whatsoever. Because who we were, and what we were as a band, there were actually less expectations. No one expected us to win, least of all us to be totally fucking honest, man. We went into that album so young and green and just ecstatic to make our first album, after we recorded it was like, “Well now what?” We had to wait six months just to see what happened. We got added to Ozzfest ’99 at the last second. True story. We’re out in Malibu on top of a mountain. Nine assholes from Iowa, no idea what the fuck we’re doing. [Laughs] With this mad scientist, Ross Robinson, helping us create this crazy fucking album. Really it was a blank check, metaphorically we were playing with house money. Nobody knew what would happen. Every other band on Roadrunner was expected to blow up and not us. Machine Head just put out a new album at the time. Amen was finishing their record at Indigo Ranch before we moved in, and I was convinced Amen was going to be so much bigger than us. I love those first two albums. They’re unbelievably amazing. So here we are, these nine kids playing heavy metal, wearing masks, wearing coveralls, doing crazy shit, our highest expectation was that we were maybe a band that sold 200,000 albums. Which at the time was enough to keep you on the road.”

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